How to get rid of a miscellaneous quest objective in the journal without using setstage


I completed the quest "Drowned Sorrows" a while ago, and I recently noticed that my journal still has the miscellaneous quest objective: "Find out about Isabelle Rolaine in Winterhold." This is probably because I went straight to Hob's Fall Cave without speaking to Haran or Vex first. I've tried using resetquest and setstage for all the quest stages.

I've also tried using the say command to get Haran to say the dialog which would normally clear this objective, but I can't get that command to work.

Are there any console wizards out there who can help me?

Best Answer

Looking for a solution, I stumbled upon a mod that could help you out, called Quest Eraser, by user kryptopyr:

This mod will remove various quest objectives from your journal.

When activated, certain quest objectives will be removed from your journal. You are given the option to remove all of the qualifying quest objectives or to remove only some of them.