Hollow Knight – How to Get the Ability to Dash Through Long Areas of Spikes


In Hollow Knight there are places where there are spikes on the floor and ceiling, for example right next to the bench in the ancient basin or a small area after the false knight fight. I know I need some sort of long dash to get across.
Is there a boss I need to defeat in order to gain that ability?

I can handle spoilers of what I need to do, just please don't spoil the lore.

Best Answer

This is an ability found in the Crystal Peak area of the game, to the upper right of the map. The arrows in the below screenshot show the point of entry from the forgotten crossroad -- you will need the Desolate Dive magic ability to access the area via the upper path depicted in the image below. Otherwise you can get there through the lower path in the image with the lantern from the shop in Dirtmouth.

enter image description here