How to get the Cuirass of the Crusader back


I completed the Knights of the Nine quest in TES IV: Oblivion, and got all the relics. I use them as my armor all the time. A while back I got arrested and the Cuirass disappeared. I gave up on looking for it, thinking that I may have sold it or stored it somewhere, and I thought I would cheat myself another one.

I have been using player.additem 01000ece console command to get the first tier back. It keeps telling me that the object ID doesn't work. What is my problem here?

Best Answer

First of all,try adding the quantity value at the end.

If the problem persists then the error is probably in the ID number itself.

  • (xx000ECE) First two digits "xx" being the order of installed plug-ins,your "01" prefix should be correct but try "00" "02" "03" just in case.

Or you can try using the ID numbers of higher level armor,here is the detailed list with IDs.

Note: that on the last link you can see the additional * at the end of each ID (xx000ECE*) but I can't find to what exactly are they referring.