I was reading the UESP wiki's "Skyrim Glitches" article, when I came upon this gem:
Invisible Exploding Fireball Arrows
- These can only be acquired while on the quest Rise in the East, but once you have them, they can be used for the rest of the game. Near the end of the quest, after exiting the tower on Japhet's Folly, your character encounters a barrage of explosions. These are actually created by an unnamed invisible arrow, and it is possible to stockpile these arrows on your character by being hit with them. While they don't show up in your inventory, anytime you use the last arrow in a stack, the game will frequently equip these "Missing Name" arrows next. They act like an invisible arrow that shoots a firebolt, which explodes into a fireball when it lands. When you wish to stop using them, you can manually equip a stack of any normal arrow. To use them again, simply shoot the last one of any arrow type, and the Missing Name arrows will be equipped again. The number you can stockpile is only limited by the amount of time you want to spend hanging around at the end of the quest getting hit, since they are weightless.
It describes how to get those arrows by playing through a particular quest and "catching" the arrows. I am thinking that the same arrows can be added through console commands, instead.
Anyone know how I could do this? (What are the Invisible Exploding Fireball Arrows' refID?)
Best Answer
Checking the Creation Kit, there is an item with editor ID "dunJaphetsFollyCWCatapultAmmo" and item ID 961D6. So you can give yourself 10,000 of these arrows and equip them with these commands:
The arrows are invisible except when they're in flight, and they have no name in the game, but they work. You can't see the arrows in your inventory, so you either have to carry no other arrows or use the console to equip them.
On the subject of unusual ammo types, you may also be interested in item ID 73FE6: "CWCatapultAmmo." It's like the Japhet's Folly ammo but spreads fire where it lands. My guess is that this ammo type is used for the catapults during the Civil War.
(I wasn't able to catch the arrows by getting hit with them during the quest. Perhaps the Unofficial Skyrim Patch prevents the arrows from entering your inventory when you're hit with them—I don't know.)