How to get the Zealous trait


I'm playing the Elder Kings mod and have an elf on the throne meaning that my character isn´t going to die of old age soon (70 years old so about 200 more to go). He has a total of 9 health and 20 intrigue making disease and assassination equally unlikely.

However, I have conquered all other lands I can within the same religion group meaning that I can no longer invite claiments from other faiths, cannot use the conquest CB leaving only the Inquisition CB. This CB requires the Zealous trait, which my character currently doesn't have.

Is there any way to become Zealous after becoming an adult?

Best Answer

You can only get Zealous as an adult via events, which are never guaranteed to fire. You can go on a pilgrimage or hope for an event while educating your ward.

To expand though, you're probably going to have to do it the old-fashioned way: use your Chancellor to forge claims on neighbouring titles, or marry members of your dynasty into titles that their children can inherit later, and then press them in war. Expansion via conquest is really easy but it spoils you like candy: it makes the normal, slow, and strategic expansion that is the mainline gameplay of CKII seem really, really slow. However, that's as it should be — every ruler plays by the same rules, and that slow expansion protects the stability of your borders as much as it prevents you from biting off big chunks of your own neighbours' realms.