How to get workers to commute from other cities


This city is 80-90% industry but it is having problems getting workers. My goal is to fill those workers from the previous city that has about 100k since there is no commercial or industry in that city. But my problem is that only like 250-300 workers at any given time are commuting the other 2-3k are unemployed, any suggestions?

Best Answer

Here is what I have found so far on this topic:

A small amount of sims will travel between cities for tourism/work on a daily basis, this is the 200ish that you are seeing.

If you want to do some level of massive commute then you need to provide an appropriate interface in both of the cities within the region. What I mean by this is if you have a ferry in one town then you must have one in the other town as well in order to have them be put to proper user. This goes for the other modes of commuting as well; the air port and the bust terminal (Not the shuttle bus, that is travel within the city).

Hope this helps.