Fortnite Battle Royale – How to Gift the Battle Pass to Other Players if Already Owned


They've suppposedly added the ability to gift Battle Passes to other players — I saw this feature before I bought the Battle Pass in Season 10, and then bought it for myself. Now the option to gift it no longer seems to be anywhere, not on the Battle Pass screen or even the Item Store.

How do you gift the Battle Pass to other players if you already own the Battle Pass?

Best Answer

If you go to the Battle Pass screen in Season X, there will be a yellow button just like the buy Battle Pass button but instead, it'll say Gift Battle Pass and it will also have a price written below it. If you press the button regularly on PC/Laptop and Mobile, or press Y on XBox, it'll ask you to confirm your purchase. IMPORTANT: You need to be friends for a person and have them added for more than a week before you can gift them anyhthing.