Titanfall 2 – How to Hack Spectres


Very early in the single player campaign, I saw a hint in one of the loading screens that I can hack enemy Spectres to fight on my side. I faintly remember to have read somewhere that I have to get behind a Spectre (preferably using cloak) and use my data knife, but that never seemed to work.

The only mission I actually managed to hack a Spectre was the mission where you get the Arc tool, which fires electricity and disables Spectres for a moment. Then, when I got behind them, I got a prompt "Press E to hack Spectre" or similar almost every time

However, this didn't work again the following missions. So am I missing something crucial? I'm playing on PC.


I just realized that there are also Stalkers, which can't be hacked. Did I maybe mix those two up and that is the source of my problem?

Best Answer

Yes, you should be able to hack Spectres by getting behind them and pressing E. Stalkers can't be hacked.

Spectres are about the same height as Pilots or slightly taller, whereas Stalkers are noticeably taller.