How to have the car near me when missions start


I've just started playing GTA Online a few days ago and would like to know something about player vehicles.

For example when you join or start a mission, I can see other players' vehicles parked near the mission start location.

I have purchased a car, and I would like to know how to have it spawn near me when missions start.

When you play in heists, you can select which car do you want to drive, but how can I do that when normal missions start?

Best Answer

Your vehicle will only appear near you when the mission starts if the following conditions are met:

  1. It is a personal vehicle (it shows a picture of a vehicle on the map).
  2. You used it right before you started the mission (I always accept missions while sitting in my vehicle of choice to guarantee I'll be able to use it).

If you fail to satisfy both of the conditions, you can always call your mechanic to bring you your ride (assuming its not destroyed/impounded).

This works in all mission types that can be started/joined from your phone.