How to help the friends out in the Kenway’s Fleet minigame


From what I understand, you can give your Uplay friends' fleets a helping hand in the Kenway's Fleet minigame, but how? Can you also do this on the companion app?

Best Answer

When you enter the Kenways fleet menu inside the Jackdaw there are 3 tabs at the top of the screen, I can't remember the exact names but the left hand side one is your fleet of ships, the middle is available trade routes and the right hand side is ships that are on a mission.

If any of your friends have ships on trade missions there will be blue writing under the right hand side tab that tells you how many friends you can help. When you go to this tab you have to scroll to the bottom of the list, past all of your own ships in transit, to find your friend's ships.

You are given the option to shorten the time the journey takes or to escort your friends ship by sending one of your own ships for the remaining time, this increases the odds of success for that mission.

This option is available for anyone on your friends list, not just uplay friends.