How to hold conversations with the Pokemon


I was reading up on Pokemon Amie Affection and Bonding, when I came across this sentence:

In some cases, you can also talk to your Pokemon to increase the Affection level but it is not that fast!

(Emphasis mine)

So far, my Butterfree & Frogadier seem to respond to their names but not much else. They seem to respond to talking in general by 'perking up', but then they stop being attentive without much else happening.

Are there specific sentences I can say to my Pokemon? Does it matter what I say at all? Or do they only respond to their name?

Best Answer

Page 368, Official Kalos Region Guide says;

You can also talk or sing into your Nintendo 3DS microphone to entertain your Pokemon through verbal communication.

So I take my headphones, turn on classic radio, turn volume at 100%, put headphones on 3DS mic and finally turn on Pokemon Amie.

My Mewtwo aren't such fan of classics but it gived him +2 enjoyment after about 30 second session. No more even after tuning Beetles and listening all "Here come the Sun" so this must be max. Didn't tryied dubstep through.

So it kinda works.