How to identify Asura gates at a distance


If I get within a few feet of an Asura gate, text will appear telling me where it leads. However, this is not very convenient in places like Lion's Arch, where there are many gates.

Is there any way to identify Asura gates on the map? Failing that, is there any way to identify them from far away?

Best Answer

Unfortunately, as of release, there's currently no label on the World Map or anything else that marks the Asura Gates.

However, in Lion's Arch, the NPCs standing near each gate are indicative of where the gates go to. In the image here, you can see 2 Norn at the left gate to Hoelbrak and at the right gate, 2 Charr at the gate leading to the Black Citadel. So at least there, you can just glance at the NPCs standing at the gates rather than having to run all the way up to them.
