How to improve aiming in Resident Evil 6


Is there a way to make the reticle smaller for firearms? Or, the laser less jittery?

Skills, cheats, modding – anything goes.

I would like the most immediate solution possible – I'm not sure I'll be able to stomach playing anymore until some "suck less at aiming" unlock becomes available.

Best Answer

There IS no "suck less at aiming" unlock, or anything of the sort. Sadly, you're stuck to what you have right now.

There are some people who prefer using Mouse+Keyboard, due to the aiming reticle being slightly more precise than the aiming laser sight, but either way, skill and getting used to the controls is all you have for this game. If anything, I suggest you try your hand at playing on Amateur difficulty until you feel comfortable with the controls, and then, as you go up through higher difficulties, try switching to spread-fire weapons like machine guns and shotguns.