How to improve at low 6 digit rank (~200-100k)


After breaking the 200k rank barrier (I'm at about rank 190k now)a few days ago I feel as though I've hit a bit of a wall. While I can see small improvements in certain game aspects, I feel like I'm still playing the same star ratings and not improving much overall. Gaining ranks has also become a bit of a struggle as I now barely gain any pp from raw scores as high as 60-70 pp.

I usually play maps between 4 and 5 stars. My highest pp play is 121 pp and the highest difficulty I have passed is a 5.51, but I really haven't passed many five stars at all; probably less than 20. I'm pretty good at aim/jumps but I'm really bad at streams (I can hold 140 BPM for less than 30 seconds) and not great at finger control. I can kind of play hidden but really haven't started learning mods yet.

While my primary goal is gaining rank, I also really want to improve over all and play more difficult songs. In a few weeks I'll have considerably less time to play, so I was hoping to reach five digit by then, but I don't know that that is realistic at this point.

For reference, after warming up (I do hand warm-ups as well), I usually spend about half my time playing "Improvement" maps from my stream practice, burst practice, and finger control collections. The second half is usually spent farming (mostly nomod but sometimes low star DT).

While I don't have time to play for more than 2-3 hours a day, I'm willing to try anything as long as it doesn't mean my rank doesn't drastically drop. Thanks in advance.

UPDATE: I reached 150k a couple days ago but I had to grind A LOT. I'm gonna go back to practicing finger control and streams more, but still need to farm a bit until I reach 5 digit. I won't have as much time to play for a while, either. I'm wondering, when should I start really trying to pass a 6 star, and what I can do to practice for that? Also, what is a good sign to know that I can stop exclusively practicing finger control maps for my main practice time (for now).

Best Answer

I think you should keep doing what you're doing but, try fcing a lot more 4.2 - 4.7 star maps as well. (i do the same thing). Once you start getting to 120k progress gets very hard and you need to get consistently 120 - 130+ pp plays if you want to rank down considerably fast. Try to play (not fc) more 5 stars and get used to higher ar's if you haven't.

This helped me to get from 200k to 103k in 40 days with a lot of hours so I don't think it'd be possible to reach a 5 digit with your time frame but this could help.


(If you want the easy way just get sotarks, log off now and monstrata's maps and fc them)