OpenTTD – How to Increase Industry Transportation Percentage


I have a lot of industries that are reporting, say, 50% transportation when I have trains waiting at their stations for their resource. What do I need to do to increase this percentage?

Best Answer

The % transported value reported by an industry is the % of its production of the relevant cargo last month that was placed in to any station - so it is the total of all its production placed in all stations (across all competitors).

If you have one station and are only transporting 50%, that tells me the station probably has rating at about 50% for that cargo type - in the case where there's only one station it, receives it's the maximum output multiplied by it's rating for each cargo. Note this cargo is placed in stations over the entire month (not in one go), so your rating at the end of a month won't match up exactly due to rating fluctuations over the month.

So, your first point of call should be to check and probably increase the collecting station's rating.

Station rating usually moves by at most ~0.78% (2/255ths) every 2.5 seconds, so it takes time to improve, as such the fastest method (but also temporary) to boost rating is an ad campaign, because it makes the rating jump immediately. The long term solution is to make sure there's as few goods waiting as possible and that there's no big time gaps between pickups as outside of ads and crashes these have the biggest impact.

There are a lot of factors to station rating, see so the wiki for full info on what effects what.