Mount & Blade – How to Increase Movement Speed on the Map


I just bought Mount & Blade off steam yesterday. On the overland map (with all the cities etc.) I see parties with speeds much higher than mine (like the 'steppe bandits' going at 7.1), is there a character attribute that's linked to this? If not, how do I increase my parties speed?

Best Answer

There are 4 ways that I remember off the top of my head, but I haven't played for a while, so I won't be much more help.

  1. A hero with high pathfinding skill (remember, if you have this skill and your companion also does, you get a bonus)

  2. Smaller party

  3. Extra horses in your inventory

  4. Amount of "infantry" and "mounted" troops, armies with more of the latter move way faster, so there are a lot of benefits of having your army composed entirely of cavalry, not even mentioning how strong it generally is.