How to jump across the bridge


I'm playing Half-Life 2 Episode 2 and I need to get this car to the other side of the bridge. Perhaps I'm missing something dead obvious, but how on earth do I do this?

enter image description here


It seemed some in-game event triggered the bridge to move, when I reloaded the game it was pointing the right way. But if you jump on the middle part (there's another part behind this one), it triggers the event where the bridge tilts. So jumping to get the cars out of the way seems a no-go.

enter image description here

Ok, now I'm officially lost:

enter image description here

Since I didn't trust the current answers, I went looking elsewhere to find it myself. It seems it was fine that the bridge was 'tilted upwards', so I decided to play along, move the cars and 'tilt it back'. Nothing happens!

Best Answer

If I remember correctly you need to get out on the middle span and get it to tilt down towards this span, like a seesaw - it's got a bunch of heavy crap tilting it the other way that can be knocked off with the gravity gun.

It's been a few years, though. That might be total malarkey.