How to kill 20 Uruks in 2 minutes


In Shadow of Mordor, to kill one of the War Chiefs, you have to kill 20 Uruks in 2 minutes. I have trouble with this one.

The first time I tried it, there weren't enough Uruks to kill, so I had trouble reaching the limit. The second time I tried it, I managed to wait for an Uruk to call for reinforcements by lighting the flame, but at that point there were so many Uruks that it took some time to thin the herd.

So, are there any tips that could help with this task? I don't have trouble staying alive; I have trouble killing them fast enough!

Some things that I've thought of, is using the Combat Finisher more liberally (where you hit X + Y on the Xbox controller to insta-kill an Uruk). There is also an upgrade for 2500 M which allows you to use an unlimited number of insta-kills, but I don't have enough M saved up yet to buy that.

Also, if I release a Caragor and it kills a Uruk, does anyone know if it would add to my count?

Best Answer

Using Detonate, the tier 1 ability that make the fires and barrels blow up can get you 10+ kills in one shot.

Also, using the elf ranger shots to do headshots on enemies. Once you're out of shots (depending on how much you have), just make sure there are some arrows nearby and quickly grab them before continuing the carnage.