How to know where to dig for insects underground


How do you know where to dig for insects underground? I have searched all over when I hear the chirping, but no luck finding the insects.

Best Answer

I think the only bug that's underground is a mole cricket and are extremely hard to find and catch.

You just have to dig in the area where the sound is until you find it.

Once you've dug it up it tries to make an escape so be prepared to switch to your net to catch it. You'll have a better success rate if you're not near a tree or rock as that's where they run to for cover.

One method people use is to dig a hole and if nothing is there, re-fill it and plant a flower there to mark where you've previously dug. This also stops the insect moving into that square; narrowing the possible squares it can be in.

Also, there's a possibility it's not an insect at all and is in fact a frog swimming in a pond or the river which maybe why you can't find it.