Fire Emblem Awakening – How to Level High-Rank Units Quickly


I just made Sumia a Dark Flier and I'm attempting to get her to level 15 before I reach Chapter 13 so that I can get a certain build. With the EXP rate being what it is at her rank (I'm gaining roughly 10 EXP per unit killed), I'm going to run through quite a few Reeking Boxes or wait an inordinate amount of time for more Risen before I can accomplish this.

I know that there is a DLC map for easy EXP, but is there another way to gain EXP quickly without resorting to DLC or paid content?

Best Answer

Unit experience is calculated based on an "internal level", and promoting a unit instantly adds 20 levels to this counter (making them effectively level 31 at minimum).

This winds up meaning that promoted units get significantly less XP for killing non-promoted units.

So no, if you want to pass on Galeforce to Lucina (I'm assuming?), you will need to grind out those levels the hard way. (Reeking boxes help)

That said, keep your eyes peeled for the Entombed -- these yellow Zombies are worth bonus XP (as if they were a promoted unit, I believe), and most risen encounters (including those from the Risen box) will have exactly one.

Alternatively, you could simply not pass down Galeforce -- as long as Sumia is her mother, Lucina will be able to reach the Dark Flier class herself -- she won't start with it, but she'll be able to end up with it in due time all the same.