Kerbal Space Program Guide – How to Make a Docking Port Not Detach Itself


Actually I'm experimenting with dockingports because before I sent a spacecraft into orbit which later should be dockable, I'm experimenting I got it correct how the ports are working.

Fortunately I did so…

Actually my problem is, I have a scenario where 2 spacecrafts are docking each other on the launchway. but after I click to detatch, the port detatches from the counterpart as expectet, but…. it also detatches itself from the spacecraft…

This is a screenshot of the current testing setup:


is telling this is a mistake often done by beginners, but doesn't tell how to avoid this / do it correctly.

So my question simply is, how to dock correctly, in a way detatching just detatches the ports from each other but none of both from any spacecraft part?

Best Answer

Based on your response to my comment, this is almost definitely a bug. Perhaps you saved/exited/reloaded the game fixed it? I've had cases where after assembly, a ship will act in a non-expected way, but after saving and reloading the game, it never happens again. It did always have to do with attachment points though.

Since you can't reproduce it and don't already have a screenshot, I'd not recommend submitting a bug with the devs, just be happy it's not doing it anymore.