How to make other empires like me enough to join an alliance


I know that much of the initial scoring is based on the traits (Xenophobes don't like anyone, certain traits rub other traits the wrong way), but what actions can I take to positively influence potential allies?

Many of the options available to me are mood killers, and are great for cajoling them into being hostile enough for open warfare (including just existing near their borders). By comparison I just don't seem to have the have the tools to push an empire those last few points towards accepting an alliance; I can only make so many lopsided trade agreements before it bleeds my coffers dry (and I'm not sure multiple such trades have much effect), and I have a limited number of embassies to spread around.

enter image description here

(This is not the empire that's only a few points away; that empire got snatched up by another alliance, and their 'acceptance rating' now has a -1000 attached to it.)

Best Answer

So there are different methods of increasing relations with other empires:

  • Establish an embassy: you can establish an embassy with the other empire in the same screen as the screen shot you provided. This will increase relations slowly until it reaches 100. You have a limit of 3 embassy by default but government type options can allow you extras.
  • Rival the same empire: If the other empire has a rival, rivaling that empire will boost your relations by 25 (1); this only lasts for the duration of the rivalry.
  • Select xenophile traits: being a xenophile will increase other empire relations by 10, or by 20 if fanatic xenophile.

(1) Diplomacy - Stellaris Wiki: Opinion modifiers » Mutual rivals (17 May 2016)