How to make stamina regen fast in battle


I've notice that if monsters are around, the regeneration of the stamina bar is slower. How come and is it possible to make it faster in combat ?

Best Answer

The obvious reason for stamina to regenerate slower in combat is balance - it's nice to be able to sprint more while out of combat, but limiting stamina regen in battle adds depth to combat.

You can use armor with fortify stamina regen enchantments to give yourself a passive boost to stamina regen both in and out of combat, as well as a weapon enchanted with absorb stamina to help you replenish stamina in combat. Having a weapon with absorb stamina will allow you to power attack non-stop (it doesn't matter whether you have 1 or 200 stamina, as long as it's not at 0 you can do a power attack), so tread carefully if you enjoy balanced combat.