How to make sure an enethe captain stays dead after I have defeated him


I just tried to kill a captain that was already difficult enough, and suddenly another captain appears that I already had killed. He taunts me, telling me that I should have made sure to kill him and swears revenge.

The appearance of that guy made an already far too hard fight impossible, and I simply ran away.

I'd really like for the captains I defeat to stay dead, how can I make sure of that?

Best Answer

To make sure that they stay dead, you need to behead them.

At least that's what the IGN Wiki tells me:

Death in the Nemesis System

Death is not the end in the Nemesis System: Not for Talion, and not always for the Uruks either. Whenever you kill a Captain or Warchief in Sauron's Army, there is a chance that they will survive the apparent killing blow. This can only happen if the Uruk in question was not beheaded in the finishing blow. Any Uruks that are lying down dead in the army page may come back and hunt Talion for revenge. After encountering them in the wild, they will reappear in the army page, now on their feet and sporting new scars based on their previous encounter. Some Uruks may even gain Strengths and Weaknesses depending on what happened to them.