Overwatch – Ensuring Ana’s Ultimate Hits the Designated Target


As a frequent Ana player I noticed that occasionally my Nanoboost doesn't reach the designated target.

Sometimes due to the fact that either Mercy flies by or a Tracer zips into my line of sight at the wrong time but mostly because too much going on during a capture.

Imagine Lúcio sliding from left to right, McCree rolling in and out of the frame, two Reinardts trying to bash each others head in and a Roadhog hooking people left and right occasionally blocking my line of sight to Reinhardt together with several other heroes.
How can I make sure my Nanoboost hits Reinhardt in this mess of people?

Is the target locked the moment I hit Q or can other heroes intercept my ultimate while I raise my arm to fire?

Best Answer

The target is locked when you press Q (or activate ultimate, for non-PC platforms).

The best way to ensure you are hitting the right target with your ultimate is down to placement and awareness. If Tracers and Lucios want to steal your boosts, position yourself so that they can't be between you and your target.

You can see from this video at 0:13, that Genji cannot deflect a nano boost, but the animation for deflecting a projectile still occurs. From this, and the instantaneous application of the boost on the target, we can infer that the ultimate is not projectile based, but has a projectile based animation to provide a visual aid.

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