How to make the selling phases less laborious


Selling stuff is an easy way to make money in Far Cry 3. But the store doesn't seem really convenient: I spend precious minutes to double click (or double tap Enter) to sell everything as fast as I can. It's even more painfull when I want to quick-sell craft items (leaves or animal skins), because I have to deal with a confirmation pop-up.

Is it possible to make it faster ? By multi-selecting items, for instance, or just selling the whole content of your bag in one click ?

Best Answer

When you are at a vendor, you can auto-sell loot that has no real purpose in the game besides making money at a vendor. Go to the sell tab, and select the auto sell trash loot.

Another option would be to Select Quick Sell, which will sell all of the same items selected.

Here is a great explanation on how to use quick sell @ 1 min in: