How to maximize the chances to win a battle using Auto-Resolve


Medieval 2: Total War has an "auto-resolve" feature like many of its predecessors, which I use almost exclusively. However, it's not exactly obvious what contributes to my chances of success. The factors I've identified are:

  • Number of Troops
  • Type of Troops (Spearman are better than Peasants, etc)
  • Command rating of commander

What other factors figure into the "Auto-Resolve" feature? How can I maximize these factors to give me the best chance of winning? Is there anything I would do differently compared to manually playing out the battles?

Best Answer

The biggest factors are:

  • The number of troops
  • The quality of troops (attack, defense, health, experience, equipment level)
  • The types of troops used versus other types (archer vs. sword, spear vs. cavalry, etc.)
  • Command rating of leading general
  • Terrain bonus for applicable units
  • Morale level of unit (weaker units tend to have low morale and some abilities lower an enemy units morale)
  • A random chance roll that mimics the luck factor

The best way to maximize success is to use massive armies and use a variety of troops suited for the faction you are fighting (fight their strengths with troops that are strong against that type).