How to open a large blue runed door in Hidden Ourobon


So I was exploring Harathi Hinterlands and I came across this massive door in Hidden Ourobon. Does anyone have any idea what it's for or if it can be opened? There appears to be a chamber behind it.

There was an event to kill Kol Skullsmasher so I guess it could be to do with that?

Rune blocked door
Map location

Best Answer

In the case of this particular 'door', you can access the other side easily enough by walking through the centaur village 'Modniir Gorge' to the north. You walk down a pathway into a cave and can stand on the other side of the 'door' and look back into Hidden Ourobon. Not sure why they would put a short cut between the village and hidden Ourobon or how you open it but seems more likely to be tied to an event rather than a future portal imho.