How to own 100% of a district


In Saints Row: The Third I own 64% of the 'Deckers' district, but I don't know how to own the remaining 36%.

Best Answer

You gain percentage towards district control from a number of things:

  • Removing gang operations
  • Owning buildings
  • Owning shops
  • Completing side missions in that district

When you hover over a side mission, gang operation, or building/shop, it will indicate how much more control you'll have by completing that activity.

Some activities won't show up until you've finished certain plot missions or earlier levels of that same activity. I think the cribs you unlock at certain points in the plot may also contribute to this percentage, so you'll only be able to get 100% after a certain point in the game.

Each of these also has a small radius that they turn "purple" on your phone's map, so you can tell if you're missing something in an area by checking to see what parts of a district aren't purple. Gang operations don't show up on the map until you've been close to them, so if there's an area that isn't purple in a district and there's not an icon on your map inside of it, go drive around that area and look for a gang operation.

If you manage to get 100% control over a district, you'll get a call from the relevant homie for that district as congratulations, and enemy gang members will no longer spawn there. Owning buildings and shops contributes to your earned income, which rolls over every 15 (real) minutes or so.