How to place objects in the showcases


I have built a house in Skyrim and I am docorating it. So, I have crafted some showcases but I think it is too complicated to put objects in there.

Is there any easy way to put objects in there?

I've tried to grab the objects and drop in the showcase but the result didn't like me because I can't control the position of the object. p.e. When I grab an axe I always pick it by the handler and the edge is upside down, so, it's too hard to place it properly.

Best Answer

It's very hard to properly place objects in display cases. And the fact that the items sometimes spawn on the floor beside the case after reloading the area doesn't make it easier.

If you are playing on PC and only want to place weapons in the display cases you can use this mod:

This mod places a invisible weapon stand inside each display case in which aligns the weapon.