How to play the harp well


I'm trying to be a good citizen and pay back my debt to the owner of the Lofty Pumpkin, but it seems impossible to play the harp correctly for his daughter. I try to just follow what the people do, but they're never satisfied. He says to just follow rhythm and make broad strokes, but I am pretty well.

It might just be the quicker portions that are messing me up, how many of those are there, and how many times do I need to go back and forth. Does it matter what you do in the freestyle part in the middle? Do I need to play slower, or can I make fast strums separated to the beat? Or does this just have a really small margin of error?

Best Answer

Obviously the first thing you want to do is memorize the song. You'll want to know when to expect the fast parts and whatnot to keep it as smooth as possible.

To strum the harp, you're turning the Wiimote left and right more than you're waving your arm left and right. So if it is pointed to the left, it will be playing at the lower strings. Pointed to the right it would be playing the higher strings.

When you're strumming the harp with Kina, you want to be going at a speed where you play every note decently spaced out for each time they wave. If you were to look at their waves and your strums position over time, it should look like this:


When the fast parts come up, it's a lot more lenient. You don't necessarily have to be evenly spaced out like the normal parts, you just want to finish before the next wave comes.

The freestyle part, I think anything goes. I always played through them just random stuff.

If you still need more pointers, I recorded myself playing through it.