Dishonored – How to Prevent Rats From Eating Unattended Corpses and Its Impact


I was on my way to a mission objective, when I was suddenly jumped by assassins. Luckily, a couple of friendly thugs helped me kill them.

After I killed them all, I dumped their bodies in the same, nearby location (near where the thugs are). I did one of my mission's objectives, and when I came back, the bodies (or body, rather, as only a single corpse was left) are now this:
rat devoured corpse

Is this a bad thing? Do rat-eaten corpses have an additional effect on Chaos levels or other effects on the game (compared to if the corpses didn't get eaten)?

How do I prevent rats from eating a corpse? (Where should I leave the corpses?) Also, are unconscious bodies also vulnerable to being eaten by rats?

Best Answer

Unconscious bodies are vulnerable to being eaten by rats. You can store them in garbage bins to make them completely safe. The same holds true of corpses. There is also an ability that turns corpses you kill (level 1: stealth kills only, level 2, both) to ash, making it a non issue.

A kill is a kill where Chaos levels are concerned. Tucking the bodies away/disposing of them helps prevent you being detected in mission, but if they are actual corpses they're going to contribute to potential chaos level increase regardless.