How to prevent the krampus from appearing


As of the latest don't starve update a new mob was introduced called the Krumpus, apparently he appears when you hunt too many animals but I don't quite understand how this works. From what I understand, you get several points of "Niceness" when you start, and they decrease as you do naughty things such as hunt animals.

How does this work? Do you get a certain number of naughty points every day or must you perform some "nice" acts in order to raise the amount by which you can hunt? I find this to be a very large impediment while searching for food, I am restricted to purely carrots and berries and seeds, but without meat you can't really survive for that long

Best Answer

You can find all the informations you need on the wiki.

Basically at the start of the game you're given a treshold of 30 Naughtyness. Every action damaging a "nice" creature subtracts points from this treshold according to the following table:

Have you been a bad boy/girl/robot/thing?

When you reach 0, one or more Krampii (Krampuses?) will spawn, depending on the days you've survived:


Every 60 seconds spent not doing naughty actions will increase your threshold by one, so this means that if you try to space out your killings in time, you can safely keep hunting for your meat without fearing to meet Krampus. On the table above the "Treshold" column indicates the maximum naughtiness you can have. It has been put in there because it's supposed to go down the more days you play, but there's still an uncertainty on the exact numbers, hence the interval.