How to proc specific mega veggies in Veggie Samurai


I am a big fan of iPhone/iPad games Fruit Ninja and Veggie Samurai, the latter being a clone of the former. In the game, there is a concept of a "Mega-Veggie". Essentially, normal veggies stop being thrown up, and one huge veggie comes out and you have to dice it many times to score a bunch of points.

In the current iteration of the game, there are three mega veggies I am aware of:

1) Mega Onion (Turns into Onion Blossom, +100 points)
2) Mega Carrot (Once diced grants +500 points)
3) Mega Pepper (Once diced grants +100 points)
4) Mega Potato (Once diced grants +100 points)

While I have certain intuitions about how to proc these mega veggies, there must be some underlying rules as to what makes them pop up.

What do you need to do to trigger each mega veggie type?

Best Answer

Onion - 4 Dice combo including an Onion.

Pepper - 4 Slice combo including a Pepper.

Potato - 2 Dice combo with 2 Potatoes.

Carrot - I am not sure on this one but I know it has something to do with very large dice combos prior to seeing it. (30+)