How to properly install mods for Morrowind


I've tried to install a several mods and they all mess up, causing problems.

I use Nexus Mod Manager to install the mods from Planet Elder Scrolls. When I'm installing the mod, a dialog appeared, saying some files were already there and asked me if I want to overwrite them. I clicked "Yes to all" and it didn't complain after that.

However, when I launched the game, another dialog appeared saying "master file TR_XXX.esm is missing" and it gave me "Yes" or "No" choice to continue, but both choices lead to the game crashing.

I'm able to re-launch the game only if I uninstall all the mods I've installed using the Nexus Mod Manager, leaving only the mods installed outside of it (such as Better Bodies and Morrowind Overhaul). Nevertheless, I still get a dialog that says:

The currently selected master file and plugins do not match the ones used by this saved game. Errors may occur during loading or game play. Do you wish to continue?

How can I properly install mods in Morrowind so I don't receive errors, crashes, and warnings like these?

Best Answer

Concerning the TR_XXX.esm, you're most likely trying to use Tamriel Rebuilt (good choice!) Antediluvian Secrets, which requires Map 1 (Telvannis) as well, so I guess the latter has been forgotten.

Concerning the warning, this means that one of the plugins you are using was saved using a different version of the game main files, e.g. native Morrowind.esm while you're using the Morrowind Patch Project. You can usually ignore this, although you should at least once check whether you're accidentally using a Morrowind-without-Bloodmoon version of a plugin that also has a Morrowind-with-Bloodmoon version if you have Bloodmoon installed or vice vers.

If you want to get rid of the warning for good, you have to open the respective plugin's .esp file with the TES Construction Set (using your actual Morrowind.esm etc versions as base files) and simply save it again (keep a backup though). That should update the claimed dependency without modifying anything else.