How to quickly find points of interest (waypoints, entries, quests zones) in the randomly generated areas


If you have a look at the main map of any act (U by default), you can notice that areas are oriented. For instance, in the first act's main map, Tidal Island is south of Terraces. And indeed, I've always found Terraces at the far south of the Tidal Island area.

Same goes for some other areas, like in Act 2: the Tree Roots recovering the Vaal Ruins' entry is always somewhere at the north of the River Crossings area.

Tree Roots

Is there some kind of constraint on the orientation of the points of interest during the generation of an area ? Is it possible to use it to buy some time while looking for something specific in an area (a waypoint, for example) ?

Best Answer

Yes it is. You just have to learn where things are located in each area.

A few examples:

  • The entry to Fetid Pool is always located in the north-west of Mud Flats.
  • The waypoint in Dark Forest is always somewhere along the road, so just follow it.
  • The Crematorium is always located in the north-west of Sarn Slums.

Maybe they are not always in the same location, but they have been every time for me and i think it is fixed for many zone entries and waypoints.