How to quickly rank up in Battlefield 3


What is the best method for ranking up in Battlefield 3?

I have been told 2 different methods so far:

  • Play as recon on team deathmatch, then use gadgets to spot team mates
  • Play as assault on Metro (Conquest), and concentrate on healing/reviving team mates

As a recon, I am struggling to get a decent score per game (in the range of a couple of thousand at best).

As an assault I can get around 7-10k per game.

Is there anything I can do to improve my score in the methods above?

Are there other effective methods (game modes/maps/class combinations)?

Best Answer

This highly depends on why you want to rank. Just your player level or your class level or specific gun unlocks?

  • Player: universal weapons & perks
  • Class: class weapons gadgets
  • Gun: specific gun gadgets

Supporting your team is the way to go imho.

  • Recon: T-Ugs in crowded area
  • Assault: reviving and healing
  • Support: dropping ammo

Preferably you want to do this in a small infantery map. You have way more contact and things to do. Also ticket count plays a role:

  • Normal or slight increased ticketcount you get some extra points for each won game + other ribbons.
  • High ticket will likely result in an unbalanced fight over time, and you will have the risk of disconnecting

I prefer Rush Operation Metro. Most of the time it's really crowded near the stairs.