I have played SF a long time ago and I have always tended to use the "half-moon" type moves. I have always avoided the charge characters, well, because I can't seem to use them properly.
The issue I have is using the moves in quick succession. A good example would be Ryu vs Guile.
With Ryu, I can really spam hadoukens fast.
With Guile, I can do sonic booms at about half the speed of the hadoukens.
Is there a special technique to doing charge moves quickly?
How long do you need to be holding the "charge" direction for?
Best Answer
There are several ways of doing charges.
Easiest, of course, is to just hold back/down and let it rip after 2 seconds.
The harder way, is to be charging while doing a jump or attack combination and then letting it rip at the end, which is what you are supposed to do with charge type characters, such as guile and blanka. Do not be ultra defensive! Keep them guessing with your pokes, and if they make a mistake, combo into it.
While you will never be able to spam as fast as Ryu or Sagat, there is a way to minimize your charge time via buffering, see this video for a good explanation.
Short description for those who can't, or doesn't want to watch the video:
Instead of doing a back-2seconds-forward sonic boom, you do a back-2seconds-forward-back sonic boom, this allows you to be charging for your next sonic boom while your current sonic boom animation kicks off, and using this technique will allow you to add multiple sonic booms into your combos more effectively.