How to rank up


I play Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and, at the moment, I'm rank silver 2. I usually get about 20 kills a game and I win about half of my games. When can I expect to rank up?

Best Answer

This answer is based on opinions from the community rather than facts provided by Valve.

The official answer would be: We don't know.

Kills do nothing when it comes to ranks.
The only thing that matters is whether you win or lose rounds.

Lose = you lose points (even with scoring an ace)
Win = you get points (even without killing anyone)

So if you're top scorer on your team and still don't manage to win more than you lose you'll have a hard time getting promoted. It's possible though.

How many points you get (or lose) depends on your current ranking (calculated in a system based on glicko2*), the sum of your teams points and sum of your opponents points, and whether or not you are MVP** in that round.

* Source
** MVP will be awarded to the best performing player from the winning team. Usually defined by good teamwork (Bomb handling, kills, assists,..).