How to receive the letter from the Jarl’s Steward in Hearthfire


I just bought the Hearthfire DLC and as soon as I travel somewhere, a courier approaches me and says he has 2 letters for me. One from the orphanage and one from the Jarl's steward.
The problem is that I only receive the first letter.

This is what my inventory looks like after speaking to the courier.
In case you can't read the book's titles on the screenshot, they are Breezehome Furnishings, Consider Adoption and Gallus's encoded journal.
enter image description here

As you can see I removed all my letters and notes that are not quest items before speaking to him.

Is this a bug or am I missing something here?

Best Answer

It is a bug. Luckily, it is a bug with 0 consequences - the letter is only to inform you of the land being available, you can still go to the jarl/steward and talk to them about the land without getting the letter. Land is available in Falkreath, Morthal and Dawnstar.