How to remove hacked money


I recently played PAYDAY 2 with a hacker. He did not use hacks through the main session but at the end I seemed to get 1 billion dollars into my spending cash. I am sure this was a hacker as it said that I made it out with 1389 bags in the summary.

Anyway, I want to know if there is a way I can remove the hacked money from my account as I don't want to cheat at this game. I don't want to download any special hacking kits or anything I just want to remove 1 billion dollars from my spending cash. Can I do that?

Best Answer

Actually, there is a way, and it is Overkill approved.

If you have HoxHud, which is a HUD that is Overkill approved, it automatically has a feature that will detect if a payout bonus is too high. If it does detect it, it will prompt you after a game ends, saying:

Uh-Oh, Cheated Mission Alert!

Looks like you were in a mission with a cheater, would you like to reset your spending to $xxx, and your offshore to $xxx? Yes/No

And you will have the option to automatically remove "hacked" money. Here's an example below:

enter image description here