How to remove the “glowing” feature from objects? It is causing CS:GO to lag


Today when playing Nuke I noticed places such as 'T Roof' and 'vent' being 'shiny':

Screenshot showing the glowing effect on models in the game

Before today they didn't look like that. I haven't made any changes to video settings (they are all set to low).
How can I remove this feature and make them look normal again?

The reason why I'm asking this is because CS:GO is lagging a lot. I never had this issue before, but now the FPS is ~30, even though my ping is 5. The FPS drops especially when I have more than one other player close to me.

The CPU usage for the game shows > 100%, which is really weird, because I have explicitly adjusted the launch options to use more than one core, using -threads 8. My CPU model is Intel Core i7-8550U.

Why is this happening?

This is what my 'top' looks like in a competitive game in Nuke, playing with bots:

enter image description here

Best Answer

The March 27th update implemented the following changes:

  • Refactored low level shaders to fix stuttering on NVIDIA hardware when first rendering previously unseen content.
  • Speculative fix for rare crash at the end of matches.

Valve employer vMcJohn on Reddit said that regarding the update they "changed how certain low level shaders work for all users."
A commentator reacted: "while playing, I checked my video settings and it appeared that nothing was different - but my game looked entirely different. Almost like it went on a higher graphic setting. I'm assuming it has to do with the low level shaders you mentioned."
Since 'speculative fixes' have been rolled out in more updates lately, I think the 'refactored low level shaders' might be the culprit here.

More people are complaining, and the problem doesn't just hit people with low specs or without dedicated GPUs.

You could try opting in to beta updates for CS:GO in order to receive bug fixes sooner, or lower other video settings (like the resolution).
Other than that - since you can't turn off post-processing - it seems there is little you can do.