How to restore the movement animation in Skyrim


I recently installed some mods for Skyrim, but I have screwed up somewhere, and now, I have no walking or running animation.

The characters are standing straight with their hands out to the side. I have tried disabling and even removing the mods, yet, nothing happens.

I have even reinstalled Skyrim, but, that hasn't done anything either. I'm at a loss here. If anyone knows what's wrong, please help me out!

Best Answer

Was one of the mods you installed Fores New Idles? If so, you'll need to generate the behaviors again:

Start Data/tools/GenerateFNIS_for_Users/GenerateFNISforUsers.exe AS ADMINISTRATOR (part of FNIS Behavior, and ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY, or NOTHING works)

Source: FNIS Skyrim Nexus page