How to select which relics to retain vs to salvage in the junk pile


I'm a little confused about what I should or should not retain in the way of relics. Does anyone have a rule of thumb for this?

I'm forced to decide so as to allow me to ascend. This is a bit odd because each world has one relic, so every ascension you can have 4 saved relics and 1 in the junk pile at most. It is not really a pile. I don't know why the interface's box is so large.

To illustrate with my specific case I have (direct transcription sorry for the obvious text and lack of abbreviations):

  1. Ranger Gloves of Diseases Rare Level 23

    • -3% Boss Life
    • +0.5% Chance of 10x Gold
    • +2% Chance of Primal Bosses
  2. Copper Mark of Wrath Common Level 34

    • +140% Click Damage
    • +249% Gold gained from monsters when idle (no clicks for 60 seconds)
    • +3% Chance of double rubies from clickable treasures, when you get a ruby.
  3. Copper Band of Souls Common Level 26

    • +3% Chance of Primal Bosses
    • +4 seconds to duration of Lucky Strikes
  4. Ranger Gloves of Greed Uncommon Level 35

    • +175% Gold Dropped
  5. Rusty Sword of Battery Life Common Level 22

    • +17 seconds to duration of Metal Detector
    • +2 to starting zone after Ascension
    • +50% Gold gained from monsters when idle (no clicks for 60 seconds)
    • +1 seconds to duration of Clickstorm

Going on rarity I might get rid of the lowest level common item (#5) or going on level I might get rid of the lowest level item (also #5). However I am and idle style player and I am not sure I want to give up the +50% Gold when idle compared to giving up say (#1) the -3% Boss Life, +0.5% Chance of 10x Gold, +2% Chance of Primal Bosses. I mean I like primal bosses having a better chance, and the 10x gold thing is awesome when it happens to a treasure chest… but really, over all +50% gold might progress faster & further? It's hard for me to say.

Best Answer

This may be a bit subjective due to play style; but all 4 of my relics either have the % Chance of Primal Bosses or & Primal Souls.

Also keep in mind that these bonuses are all additive.

Per the relics wiki page; they've broken it down into tiers (although this is also probably subjective as well).

Top tier is + % Chance of Primal Bosses

Middle tier consists of:

- % Hero Hiring and Level-Up cost
+ % chance of double rubies
+ Duration (lucky strikes being best)
+ % Primal Hero Souls
+ % 10x gold