How to set a dead zone for the Xbox 360 controller


How do I set a "dead zone" for my Xbox 360 wired controller (reference image).

Clarification: I meant for use with my PC.

Additional information: The reason I want to do this is because the joystick is beaten up from a lot of usage and now it suffers from "ghosting" which basically means it moves slightly and it can easily screw things up while in-game. For those of you who don't know what a "dead zone" is it is basically a small area (from the center of the joystick) that is dead so it will stop moving and stop ghosting. Google will probably yield more information on the specifics though.

Best Answer

According to this guide this is possible with pinnacle game profiler. I haven't tested it out, so I'm not sure if it works. Give it a try :).
Also it would be great if you could post your results back, I think a lot of people would find it useful information in the future.