How to set up insta-sneak-kill and insta-death


I want to play a character where all my sneak bow attacks deal an insane amount of damage and I take an insane amount of damage from enemies.

Currently my plan is to play on Legendary difficulty so that everything will most likely kill me instantly. I thought about using the console to increase my damage multiplier with attackdamagemult but I want just my sneak attacks to deal a ton of damage.

Most mods I've found affect all damage instead of just sneak damage.

Ideally I want to achieve this without any mods but I'm not opposed to using mods.

Best Answer


SetAV.Player critchance 100


This sets your critical hit chance to 100%, which usually is enough for one hit kills. Since critical hits seem to only happen while you're sneaking, this might be a good workaround.

Other possible way is to unlock some critical hit perks from the Sneak skill tree.