Undertale – How to Set Up Undertale on an iPad


My nephew is all excited about Undertale, but did not play the game yet. I would like to gift it to him for Christmas. Unfortunately, he only plays games with his iPad (and is not computer savvy) and I am only familiar with Windows and Linux.

Is there an 'official' way to play Undertale on an iPad? What is the best (simplest for me and easiest to use for him) way for me to set this up? Where can I find detailed and easy-to-use instructions to make this work?

I set up an account on Steam and noticed that it's possible to give games to another user. It would be no problem to set up another account for him and give the game from my account to his, but I don't know if this will work with his iPad.

Best Answer

Sorry to disappoint you but I don't think something like that is possible on an iPad.

From what I know you can't easily port something from a PC to something like an iPad unofficially. You could either hope for the developer to develop and release a port to iPad someday or since your nephew isn't that computer savvy there's still an official Nintendo Switch port of Undertale that exists.

Hopefully this answer can help you.