How to skip the attack


Is there anyway to skip/delay a characters turn in battle?

The scenario:
It is Butter's turn and he is out of pp. His only other attack is melee.
The only enemy he can attack is in a riposte stance and I do not want to take damage from attacking him with my hammer..

I want to skip his turn and then attack with the main character who happens to have a bow equip. Is this possible?

Best Answer

No, there's no option to skip an attack.

What you can do is either use a Power Potion and then a spell (items are a 'free' action, and there's really no point in hoarding consumables), or use the 'Switch Buddy' command to swap in a different team member with a ranged attack, such as Kenny.

Alternately, just eat the Riposte. Honestly, they usually don't do that much damage. Butters can handle it.