How to speed up your movement in counter strike


I watched other players with some good skills: They move and shoot and their movement is so quick, that I can't aim on them. Can someone please confirm as to how I can move equally as fast?

Best Answer

There are many ways to move faster that other players in Counter Strike. The easiest is to use "fast" weapons such as Steyr Scout, with it you will run with speed of 260 units/second.

The second fastest weapon(s) is(are) knife, pistols(all of them) and SMGs(all of them except for P90), with them you run 250 units/second. After that it's P90: 245 units/second.

The slowest weapon is AWP, you will only run at 210 units/second, second slowest is M249: 220 units/second.

The other option to move faster is to move sideways(not completely strafing, just a bit askew). I don't remember how to do it exactly, but if I remember correctly it was like that: go forward + strafe left/right + move mouse to the left/right. With knife it's possible to get a speed of 274 units/second.

Or, as SaadBen said, you can try learning how to BunnyHop, there are gazillion lessons in the web. With BunnyHop you will go fastest, but it's extremely difficult to learn it.