How to split an arthe in Rome 2 Total War


I got Rome 2 today and am playing the prologue. So far I am quite satisfied by the game, but something seems to be bothering me or simply doesn't work. In older Total War games you could simply build units which you could manoeuvre around without a general (a "general" would be appointed to one of the units). Now you need to first build a general and then build an army. I can understand that, men need men to follow. But something doesn't seem to work properly.

Let's say I have a general with 3 units of hastati, the general, and 2 units of equites. I need to do a rescue mission to one of my cities so I select 2 units of hastati and one unit of equites and want to move them to the other city. I simply can't. Even though I only selected the units needed, the whole army is moved (with its general). The same happens when I try to join part of the army with a fleet.

I cannot create a new general, so that's not it. You simply can't split a unit from its general of whom it originated?

Best Answer

Only way to "split" an army seems to be having two generals. When you order a general to march to another general, you get a possibility to change troops from on army to another.

Compared to other TW games this seems like a huge drawback to be, because you dont seem to be able to recruit troops to undefended city if there is no general present nor can you leave troops to defend a city when your army marches on. City garrisons are usually not enough to defend a city and you need to carefully place your armies.

It does have a certain point, because roman armies were strictly hierarchical and there had to be a general leading it. It leads some inconsistencies tho, like in case your general is killed, you will be able to recruit a new one to that spot immediately.